Janelle Monae and Tess Thompson in 'PYNK' vagina pants image by: Vox
Janelle Monae, an American black female artist, released a song Django Jane in November 2018. The title of the song was derived from a historical movie Django Unchained about black people breaking free from slavery. The song speaks of women's liberation and empowerment and also touches on the notion of 'pussy power'. This song is the main inspiration behind this blog because it resonates with the blog's aim - vagina liberation, which is what all people with vaginas need right now.
Let the Vagina Have A Monologue takes a slightly different kind of 'pussy power' than what Janelle Monae presents. Pussy power is generally translated to people with vaginas taking charge of their sex lives. As much it is important to have control over one's sex life, it is not the only part that matters. A person spends up to the start of their puberty years before they start to think about sex meaning there is more to a vagina than being a sexual organ and that is what this blogs aims to explore.
This blog matters to me because I have always had a complicated relationship with my vagina - how it looks , its scent and how it seems to dictate my entire existence. With a lot of misinformation out there which I have unfortunately been a victim of one too many, I have never considered how it must feel to have me as the host. So, this one of my many attempts trying to do right by it and giving it a voice to speak for itself - maybe I might listen this time.