image by Roy Scott
I have concluded that hosts don’t always know what is best for me, in fact, I don’t think they get me at all. Otherwise why would they subject my delicate skin to douches and harmful “intimate” washes along with all the other things they think I need.
Our relationship often resembles a bad case of parent-child relationship kind of situation where the parent instils their beliefs and values and the child rebels. You would think reactions like irritation, infections and unusual odors would make them stop, instead they seek more intervention. The only justification I can think of for my exposure to this harmful treatment is the misinformation around what I am and what I need.
Down there’ often refers to me and me only. Today, I’m here to tell you that we’re a community down here and no we’re not the same. We have Vulva, the visible bits which include the labia(s) and the clitoris and of course yours truly, located inside the host. All of these bits, require clean water with none to mild soap to keep them clean.
Nutritionists and dieticians always advice against the consumption of foods that has ingredients you cannot pronounce. I think the same logic application would save many vaginas from unnecessary exposure to toxic chemicals used in feminine products. A study shows that with the vagina's absorbent and sensitive nature, toxic chemicals penetrate easier than typical skin. They interfere with the self-cleaning routine a vagina has and can easily enter the bloodstream, causing life-long health complications.
The least you can do before you subject us to these products you think we need is look at the things they are made of. Often times than not, we are at the receiving end of your insecurities.